


我们的十大网赌正规平台讲师和员工培训顾问都是商业专业人士 with real-world experience, knowledge, and credentials. 我们的培训师始终达到或超过各自的高绩效标准 专业领域. All instructors have a minimum of 10 years of industry experience and keep current with training advances at the cutting edge of their specialties. We require all instructors to be an expert in their field.

脸谱网的标志访问我们的网址: 脸谱网 for current events, and be sure to follow us and watch for FREE course offerings.


博士领导 & 变更管理. MEd Organizational Development

Development Dimensions International and Achieve Global certified trainer

Dr. Joc Clark擅长创造协作工作环境,领导力 skills and organizational development for more than 25 years. 他的雇主培训 包括参与式战略在内的项目是否采用体验式方法进行定制 规划、优势 基于型领导,欣赏式询问,指导,变革型领导,多元文化 and action learning experiences. Joc holds a PhD in Leadership Studies and Change Management, a MEd in Organization Development, and a BA in Psychology and Spanish.


Graduate in Economics – Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Bilingual 英语/Spanish; Training Within Industry Institute Certified Instructor; Trauma Resource Institute Certified Teacher

埃米利亚诺是一位康复的经济学家,热衷于帮助组织在心理上建立 安全的工作环境,创造一支了解创伤、注重复原力的劳动力队伍 每个员工都感到被尊重、被关注、被重视、被激励并致力于改进 their lives, 组织, and community. Emiliano is the lead trainer for the "Resiliency in the Workforce" program at the Training Place. Since 2017, when he joined the College, Emiliano曾与不同行业的许多组织合作,包括非营利组织 和北加州的政府机构,帮助主管,经理和 leadership teams further develop skills and tools to address the most challenging 工作中的问题,导致更高的员工敬业度,士气和生产力 while minimizing turnover rates. All of Emiliano's training topics embrace a people-first 方法. Emiliano brings a background in economics and a variety of certifications, including Training Within Industry (TWI) Job Relations & 工作说明,创伤 Resource Institute 教练, PACEs Interface, and more.  

埃米利亚诺的培训课程和演讲是互动的,有见地的, 和有趣的!


教练 and CTE Faculty, Butte College


Upskill机械、电气和流体技术研究院,Microsoft Excel, 电力BI和电力应用程序,1910年一般工业10和30的OSHA外展培训 小时

约翰·达尔格伦是 an industry professional and a faculty member at Butte college. 约翰带来了35个 多年的行业和商业经验使他的教学和培训需求贯穿始终 加州. John brings extensive experience in manufacturing, construction, and small 企业所有权. John has experience in the areas of engineering and manufacturing operations 管理, safety, and environmental 管理. 约翰是一名 OSHA一般行业订单外展培训师OSHA 10小时和OSHA 30小时培训. 约翰是一名质量专家,毕业于菲利普克罗斯比质量学院 在基于iso的开发、实施和管理方面有丰富的经验 质量体系(ISO 9001, ISO 13485, AS-9100和FDA良好生产原则) and has served in medical devices and aerospace regulated industries managing all regulatory and clearance matters. John is a practitioner of lean manufacturing/enterprise principles and has been served as a lean champion for three major lean rollouts. In 除了课堂教学,约翰还负责指导、指导和促进工作 passions with motto “helping you get where you want to go from where you are.”

Reanette Etzler

Communication and Leadership

Reanette is a DDI and John Maxwell certified trainer and 教练. 她的 领导力、辅导、沟通和人力资源方面的培训对受训者有帮助 advance their skills and work performance. Reanette brings to 培训地点 more 超过25年的管理职位,创业,人力资源, 劳动力培训.

Jaime Grettum

Salesforce, Development Dimensions International, Achieve Global认证培训师

杰米 Grettum在企业培训行业拥有超过15年的经验 a Change Leader and 业务 Analyst. 杰米 draws on her experience as a Director level manager in tech start Ups和大型企业环境提供实用的咨询和培训 组织. 杰米她的激情项目是与美国各地的社区合作,帮助人们摆脱困境 workforce development programs improve skills and open doors for advancement. 一个共同的 贯穿她所有课程的主线是提高对话的质量和频率 between leaders and followers.


BAR Smog Update Certification 教练

Instructor 肖恩·尼斯 is the owner NorCal Auto Service and Sales in Chico, CA. 他专业 in 加州 smog inspection, failure diagnosis, problem vehicles, and bumper-to-保险杠诊断. He has a unique way of taking the most complicated systems and breaking them down into terms anyone can understand and he uses that same technique in the 教室. Sean's classes are interesting and entertaining.



Guy是DPMG公司培训团队的一员,专攻精益原则, Workplace Organization, Problem Solving, 业务 Process Mapping, and Value Stream Mapping.



教练,人才发展,光盘,预测指数,变化节奏,远程/混合 Leadership, Five Coaching Conversations

摩根拥有多元化的专业背景,包括组织和人才 development, HR, instructional design, psychology, and 教练ing. 她的技能使 她对人的表现和才能采取全面和整体的观点 管理. By bridging strategy with personal values and strengths, Morgan ensures 能力一致性,并促进与愿景、目标和目的的紧密联系. 她是一名认证的DiSC从业者,预测指数合伙人,并获得ICF认证 教练. Morgan is also recognized as a Forbes contributor and a best-selling author.



Development Dimensions International Certified 教练

玛格丽特•施密特 has a Masters in 业务 Administration. 玛格丽特专业领域包括项目管理、计划和执行 活动、战略规划、市场营销、拨款写作、客户关系、公开演讲、 soft skills, resiliency, and empathy.

Mwanaisha一. 西姆斯

J.D. / M.P.A.

多样性, Equity, Inclusion & 反

Mwanaisha是圣马特奥县的政策、培训和合规主管 社区书院区. She has implemented several programs and professional 为员工提供发展机会,提高他们的社会正义意识; social equity, diversity, inclusion and anti-种族歧视.

Jes Vargas

持续改进, Practical Project Management

Jes Vargas在工程,质量, 项目管理,业务发展,制造和执行管理 GCS Inc, Bombardier, Advance Technical Systems, Siemens and Rabbit Semiconductor. 在他的职业生涯中,Jes一直担任组织内的主要变革推动者. 他拥有机械工程学位、运营工商管理硕士学位和认证 in TQM, Material Management, and Lean Manufacturing.


TWI制造,OSHA, Development Dimensions International, Achieve全球认证 教练

肖恩·沃兰是我们的 resource at 培训地点 for energizing and practical training. Shawn有更多报道 超过20年的专业培训和学术教学经验,其中 OSHA, TWI, CalTrans施工,堑壕安全和交通管制程序. 肖恩通过帮助雇主提高利润而获得了很高的绩效评价, 其结果是减少人员流动率,消除浪费或返工,并保持 employees safe in the workplace.


Chief Performance Officer, Brain Friendly Dynamics

Stress Mastery Finding Flow

Scott设计并提供整合最新研究的培训计划 in neuroscience, flow science, and human performance to optimize individual and team performance.


就业 & 劳动法律师

安妮·威克斯拥有20多年为各种规模的公司提供咨询服务的经验 individuals, in matters involving employment and labor law. 她在当地工作 in Butte County and with clients and firms in San Francisco and beyond. 安专业 在各种职场法律问题中,包括非法解雇,歧视, 性骚扰,举报人报复,工资和工时,工作场所暴力,合同, 萨班斯-Oxley, WARN Act violations, and trade secrets.

脸谱网的标志访问我们的网址: 脸谱网 for current events, and be sure to follow us and watch for FREE course offerings.

